The EU has a long-term budget of €1,082.5 billion for the period 2014–2020, representing 1.02% of the EU-28's GNI. and of €1,074.3 billion for the 2021-2027 period. The long-term budget, also called the Multiannual Financial Framework, is a seven-year spending plan, allowing the EU to plan and invest in long-term projects.


On Wednesday, the text agreed with Council on 10 November on the long-term EU budget for 2021-2027 was approved with 548 votes in favour, 81 against and 66 abstentions. The text agreed with Council on the Interinstitutional Agreement (IIA) was approved with 550 votes in favour, 72 against and 73 abstentions.. €15 billion in top-ups for key EU programmes

Förslaget är inte balanserat och kan därför inte accepteras, säger  Riksdagens stora utskott har gett riksdagens välsignelse till EU:s fleråriga rambudget. Rambudgeten går på 1 800 miljarder euro. SPT. EU:s långtidsbudget 2021–27, brexit och rättsstatens principer var några av de frågor som EU-minister Hans Dahlgren tog upp med sina kollegor i Bryssel tisdag  Ett äldre par njuter av höstsolen vid EU-kommissionens under hösten: att enas om en ny långtidsbudget för åren 2021–27. I oktober väntar  Rör inte kompromissen, är Sveriges bud när EU:s medlemsländer nu för 2021-27 behöver spikas i slutförhandlingar med EU-parlamentet. EU:s långtidsbudget måste hållas nere, betonar statsminister Stefan års EU-val och synen på kommande långtidsbudget för åren 2021—27.

Eu 2021-27 budget

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EU-budgeten för 2021-2027 uppgår till sammanlagt 1 074,3 miljarder euro. Pengarna fördelas på följande budgetposter: Tabell 1. Utgiftsområden EU-budget 2021-2027. Summa (miljarder euro) Sammanhållning, resiliens och värden. 377,8. Jordbrukspolitik och miljö. 356,4.

-. On 27 May 2020, the European Commission put forward its proposals for a recovery  E.U. 2021-27 budget. Margaret Keenan, 90, is applauded by staff as she returns to her ward after · Why isn't Europe joining the US and UK rush to vaccinate for  13 Nov 2020 Statement by the President on the provisional agreement on the EU budget.

2021-04-09 · As a result of the United Kingdom's withdrawal from the European Union (EU) and the coronavirus pandemic, the political and economic context for the negotiations on the 2021‑2027 multiannual financial framework (MFF) was extremely challenging – and quite different to the previous set of MFF negotiations – testing the (limits of the) EU's resilience and…

Breakdown of EU Second draft general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2021. 27 July 2020. Draft general budget 2021. Following the European Parliament's consent yesterday, the Council has adopted the regulation laying down the EU's multiannual financial framework for 2021-2027.

EC presents proposal for 2021-27 EU budget - € 97.9 bn for Horizon Europe The European Commission (EC) has today presented its proposal for the next Multiannual Financial Framework, the EU budget for the period of 2021 to 2027.

This will be the first long-term budget for the Union at 27.

Despite  EU leaders agree on the long-term budget for 2021-2027 and the recovery plan. Meeting in Brussels, EU leaders agreed on the long-term EU budget for 2021-  They include spending programmes and funds that are the basis for the implementation of the EU budget. Commission proposal 2021-2027. 2014-2020   4 Mar 2021 outreach, where appropriate, planned budget and relevant indicators for At a strategic level, Interreg Europe 2021-27 contribution to. 21 Sep 2020 Assessment of the European Commission's proposals for financing the EU budget in 2021–2027 1. Elżbieta Kawecka-WyrzykowskaElżbieta  11 Jan 2021 In addition to the EU's seven-year budget for 2021-27 the package includes an unprecedented €750bn recovery fund, Next Generation EU. The  6 Aug 2020 After five days of intense negotiations, European Union leaders on 21 July agreed on a new €1.074 trillion EU budget (Multiannual Financial  Download scientific diagram | Planned CAP 2021-2027 budget in relation to the EU-27 2014-2020 and EU-27 2020 x 7 CAP allocation (current prices,  E.U. 2021-27 budget.
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The European Council commits itself to an EU budget of EUR  11 Dec 2020 EU breaks deadlock over €1.8tn budget and Covid-recovery fund. Published: 11 EU budget projected spending, 2021-27. Presentational  4 Jan 2021 Another flashpoint in an ongoing power struggle.

DEBAT: EU’s medlemslande er uenige om både økonomien og prioriteterne forud for EU’s budgetplanlægning for 2021-27. Men det ender nok med et kompromis, som alle kan leve med, skriver Peter Nedergaard, Professor ved Institut for Statskundskab, KU.   Den ökande budgeten gör ändå att Sveriges EU-avgift kommer att öka i rena pengar, med ungefär sex miljarder kronor till runt 45 miljarder om året.
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EU leaders have been in talks about the seven-year budget for years - but now want to put the onus on the assembly, according to MEPs and parliament officials. The parliament also argues that money for the recovery fund could go ahead already if the member states would not treat the 2021-27 budget and the recovery fund as one package.

Sibiu Declaration of EU Heads of State or Government the and2019-24 Strategic Agenda state that 'the The EU will have an overall target of at least 30% of the total amount of the EU budget and Next Generation EU expenditures supporting climate objectives. EU expenditure will also be consistent with the Paris Agreement objectives and the 'do no harm' principle of the European Green Deal.

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11 Dec 2020 EU breaks deadlock over €1.8tn budget and Covid-recovery fund. Published: 11 EU budget projected spending, 2021-27. Presentational 

The project aims to promote the strengthening of the climate performance of the EU's. EU Budget for the future. Cohesion Policy. 2021-27. Madrid, 21 June 2018 Note: Compared to MFF 2014-2020 at EU-27 (including European Development   EU funds for Central and Eastern Europe: 2021-27 budget matters for sovereign outlooks. 31 July 2019.